Custom Swap
Custom Ponies

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Her name is Luau Lei, and she was made from a dingy old gusty. And no, she is not a unicorn (but I didn't do that). Her symbols are a combination of pearl white and green flowers. Her hair is white with a green stripe in both the mane and tail (the green is from Gusty). She has been dyed a navy blue color. I've also made her a lei (blue flowers) and two hula skirts (from raffia). I don't know if that info. is relevant, but I just felt like sharing.
By Abacus

Tortoise: the Turtle Princess Tortoise was a pony who played in the deep green sea with her turtle friends. One sunny day, a beautiful fairy rose from the sea. She was garbed in flowing robes of deep green and her hair tumbled like emerald waves upon her shoulders. She looked at he pony and said “you are the link to the turtle world and your own. Forever will you be seen as the glorious pony that you are!” With a wave of her wand, out shot glitter of green and gold raining down upon the pony. As she lifted her head she saw beautiful flowers tumbling from her hair. Upon her back was a beautiful turtle shell symbolizing her connection with all her turtle friends and the turtle world. From that day on she was known as Tortoise: the Turtle Princess
By AnnieSue

Sonnet #23 - Goddess of Clematis I love the royal glow of purple set Upon an emrald vine, as drops of dew Reflect the golden light of dawn. I let The blooming vine entwine into My mane and tail and spiral up my flank Until we are like one. The regal hue Of velvet buds is what I have to thank For the shade my coat has been imbued. I marvel at the simple grace each stem Of vine entails, and acclimate my own Green locks to seem more like this climbing gem, All decorated with the flowrs its grown. No other climbing vine I dare say is Elusive as the purple Clematis. (Copyright 2002 CyberSunbeam)

Here is my pony, SS Blazin Sky!! :) She was going to be a sea scene, but i couldn't find any patterns small enough that I liked, so she became a piece of the sky!! The clouds look almost 2D or 3D. I think see is a pretty metaliic blue!! By The Model Horse Ranch

Phoenix by Moonglo

Italian Baby Butterscotch by STOCKINGS

Sapphire Dreams by Tayba

Baby Firecracker by Baby WildOne

Scarab Princess made by whippetluv. She is my pride a joy, and I think the best custom I have ever made. I will miss her, but she goes to a good home.